Contact Me
Using the contact form below, you can ask me questions or complain about my writing, stories, or face. You can praise me if you really want to, but I won’t believe you. Anything resembling spam, advertising, or scams will be ignored.
If you ask something relevant, I’ll do my best to answer. If your question or comment is stupid, or intentionally shocking, I’ll just ignore it. I’ve been around for quite a while, so I don’t rage respond to morons or spammers. Since I’m a programmer, if there’s a link of any kind in your comment, it will never get to me. The system will simply delete it.
If you actually get around to reading something I wrote, and you find grammar issues, spelling mistakes, or plot issues, feel free to make fun of me in the form. I’ll fix it, credit you (if you want) in the book’s acknowledgement page, and republish it.
There is a newsletter option on the form. I don’t have one yet, mostly because I don’t know what’s supposed to be in it or why anyone would want to read one. If enough people “subscribe” I’ll do some rabbit hole research and learn how to make one… it’s what I do.