Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a bunch of algorithms run on computers that communicate with people in their natural language. It’s a machine. Many fear it because, at its core, it proves we are predictable and not all that unique.

Would Vikings use AI?

Uh, hell yes Vikings would use AI. Of course, I’m not referring to the Minnesota Vikings, this is about the real ones with axes, ships, and fire, lots of fire. They rose to power with their eagerness to utilize inventions that other groups didn’t have access to at the time. Weapons, trade, farming, metal crafting, […]

What Software Tools Do I Write With?

What software do you use to write your books? Yes, that’s an engagement question you’ll see at least once per day if you follow enough large accounts. God, I hate social media engagement questions. Those will be an entire post all of their own. It is an interesting query, however, and it points to a

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