
I commonly refer to Vikings, and anything from the Northern area of Europe, as Norse. It’s possible I’m doing that wrong, but I’ve done worse.


My writing is flavored with Norse, Viking, mythology. We all have our weird obsessions, and the romanticized life of Viking explorers is mine… well, one of them. Now, I’m not one of those Larping wannabees who dress in furs and talk with an affectation made up by television and movie writers. Hint to those guys: […]

Ascension, The Ymir Trinity


This is a catalog of my published and upcoming books. For the published books, click or tap on the image to view it in the Amazon store. What software do I use to write my books? Click to find out. Novel Ascension, The Ymir Trinity Book 1 of 2 Military Science Fiction FantasyThird Person, Past

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