
I have an unhealthy obsession with Vikings, their myths, and lore. I could talk about that era in human evolution for days without sleep.

Would Vikings use AI?

Uh, hell yes Vikings would use AI. Of course, I’m not referring to the Minnesota Vikings, this is about the real ones with axes, ships, and fire, lots of fire. They rose to power with their eagerness to utilize inventions that other groups didn’t have access to at the time. Weapons, trade, farming, metal crafting, […]


My writing is flavored with Norse, Viking, mythology. We all have our weird obsessions, and the romanticized life of Viking explorers is mine… well, one of them. Now, I’m not one of those Larping wannabees who dress in furs and talk with an affectation made up by television and movie writers. Hint to those guys:

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