Would Vikings use AI?

Uh, hell yes Vikings would use AI. Of course, I’m not referring to the Minnesota Vikings, this is about the real ones with axes, ships, and fire, lots of fire. They rose to power with their eagerness to utilize inventions that other groups didn’t have access to at the time. Weapons, trade, farming, metal crafting, sailing, the Vikings were voracious consumers of new and useful technologies. Eventually, other groups adopted their highly effective techniques, so the once mighty Norse faded into the background as much larger populations learned and improved upon these tools.

I have to laugh at the Norse Pagan wannabees who sit around roaring bonfires praying to the gods while embracing modern concepts of diversity and a tree-hugging love of nature. Vikings never did any of that. They were brutal, selfish, explorers, users of land… in short: The Viking people were freaking awesome and made sure everyone knew it.

You can keep trying to rewrite ancient history to fit your narrative, but we all know that’s just a fantasy to make you feel good about yourselves. Viking men and women were the epitome of alpha humans. They abandoned their genetically defective children to wolves, killed for sport, took what they wanted from weaker people, and cherished the concept of strong family.

So, yes, Vikings would most definitely use AI rather than remain dependent on a bunch of unhealthy, self aggrandizing, weak bodied outcasts. Unlike those gloriously violent Norse opportunists, the people whose livelihoods are about to be replaced by AI will never lift a finger to defend what they claim as theirs. This is what separates Vikings from us pathetic “modern” humans.

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