Author name: Adrian Leishman


Microsoft C# (C-Sharp)

In the year 2000, I was forced to learn a new programming language, Microsoft C#, aka C-Sharp. As a decades long Basic and Visual Basic developer, abandoning something I put so much effort into was difficult. It didn’t take long for me to understand the immense power of this high-level programming language. Ordering machines to […]

Ascension Multiverse

The Ascension Multiverse asks, “What if nature was, herself, a God?” Imagine all the horrors that have befallen humankind, and Earth in general, were her intentional hand clumsily wiping away mistakes. Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, famine, disease… these were necessary components to the evolutionary process. She crafted humanity into her greatest creation, her masterpiece, but

I’m not a normal writer

I’m an adequate writer, at best. My ideas are weird, not quirky like other people consider weird, like nihilistic, dark, unforgiving weird. Everything I write has a sturdy foot planted in the remorseless lottery of natural selection. You may think you’re a nature lover, but when you point at a pretty flower, my brain wonders

Database Developer

The first time I worked with relational databases, I fell in love with the idea of being a database developer. Seriously, love. I’ll marry an RDBMS once our government approves polygamy and marriage to inanimate objects or concepts. A system that categorizes, optimizes, and ties together disparate data… oh heck yeah! Being a closeted database

Third Person Past Tense

Third person past tense narrative is a storytelling style where the narrator recounts events that have already happened. Characters are referred to with third person pronouns such as “he,” “she,” “it,” and “they.” This perspective allows the narrator to provide a broader and more objective view of the story. By using past tense, the narrative

Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole is a descriptive, imagination inspiring term used to describe most of what I waste time on every day. When I get a taste of new information, I jump feet first into the hole and follow every winding tunnel of knowledge. Those tunnels almost always have their own smaller tunnels, and I follow them

WIP or Work In Progress

WIP is a standard acronym used by authors and artists to indicate a book, or work or art, is an ongoing project. It stands for Work in Progress, or Work in Process. It’s usually presented as a hashtag on social media sites (#WIP). Me and my WIP(s) Occasionally, I’ll post inane, rambling walls of text

Content Warnings for Ascension, The Ymir Trinity

This book was written for emotionally mature audiences. These content warnings don’t mean this book is only for adults, because there are plenty of mature teens and far too many immature adults. It’s a book of fiction, of made up stories. It’s not real. The character, Dawn, is a psychopath with almost no empathy. She

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